Refreshing Low Density Energy Gel manufactured under liquid technology, without stimulants, which will give you energy during the effort quickly and sustainably.
GEL 30CHO OFF CAF has 30g of carbohydrates per gel carefully formulated taking into account the absorption capacity of the body, uses a RATIO 1: 0.5 giving double the load to GLUT 1 but without forgetting the importance of the GLUT5 transporter, thus avoiding digestive failures and being perfect even for strategies with high amount of carbohydrates per hour, being able to work up to 90-100g/hour. The 30g of carbohydrates are complemented with micronutrients that intervene in energy metabolism to make it more efficient.
30CHO OFF CAF is ideal for all types of climates, but especially the hottest, since thanks to its “Refresh” technology, it will leave on the palate a refreshing sensation helping the body in its thermoregulation to maintain performance.